Thursday, August 23, 2012

Beach and Sun

A couple days ago, we had the awesome opportunity to spend the day by the Red Sea.  We loaded into a bus with all the new staff and heading out early in the morning for the day.  It was a fabulous day (even though we faced some discrimination by the resort because we had children - I always hate that when it happens).

The kids were both so excited to spend the day in the water.  Princess is becoming quite the little swimmer and Dimples loves to sit in the sand and make sand piles.  The beach was covered in soft sand and extremely warm water.  It was such a great way to spend the day!  I do not think the kids left the water for more than 10 minutes all day, and, I am pretty sure that we used 1 entire bottle of sunscreen because it was SO hot that day.  But, no one was burnt and the kids still talk about heading back to the beach.

Probably the highlight of the day for Princess was the creation of multiple sand castles.  Mostly, they were sand piles with gates and windows and flags, a moat and, of course seashell decorations.  Hubby and a friend were creating a "mancave" castle and Princess decided to decorate it with seashells and coral as well...much to their dismay.  Sandshark (a family tradition) also made an appearance on the beach that day.

I love that we are able to get in a car and head out to the beach with less than a 2 hour drive.  Perhaps this may be a more common excursion for us this year.  Who knows?  Enjoy the pictures!

Princess and Daddy playing with the wet sand.

Dimples and the water

Some kind of mutated sea urchin that was found

Princess and one of the teachers building sandgate.
Daddy and his kiddos

Princess and a big hole...with a path to the water

Sandshark with shell teeth and eyes

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Rocks for Dates

The last 24 hours have been busy and exciting for us!  You never know what will happen when you step out the door and the last day has been no exception.  

We had been asked by the school to help out the new teachers in our area to ensure that they were adjusting well and to help them with anything that they needed.  It has added an extra layer of work over our first few days, but, it has been very fruitful.  It is nice to be able to pass on things that took us awhile to figure out on our own.  We had a lovely dinner with them yesterday and a couple came over in the evening and stayed visiting until the wee hours of the evening.  

In the early evening yesterday, Princess and I went for a walk for a bit.  As we were walking we came across a man that was chucking large rocks into the palm trees to collect dates.  I had always wondered how they got the dates down from the top of the palm tree and now I know!  He offered us a couple of rocks and together we chucked the rocks up to the top of the tree.  When we successfully hit  the bunch of dates or the branch holding the dates, the ripe (or soon to be ripe) dates fell from the tree to be collected.  Princess found such joy in this activity, even though her rock never made it high enough to hit the dates.  It was like trying to hit a piñata...except you get dates when you are successful instead of candy.  I wish I had a camera with me to capture the moment, but, it will exist in my memory.

Today we took the teachers out to Maadi to meet the other new teachers and to have lunch, a walkabout tour and a felluca ride.  A felluca is essentially a large sailboat that floats down the Nile.  We have never been on one and it was very lovely.  The kids were thrilled to be on the boat and talked about the crocodiles in the river and that there were SO many crocodiles.  Princess has a vivid imagination.  Again, I wish we had a camera, but, we did not because the little one was out of battery and the big one was too cumbersome for our day trip without a stroller (we forgot it in Winnipeg...turns out we were quite forgetful the day we left).

We are now back home and getting ready to settle in for the evening.  The kids are quickly readjusting to the time zones, while mama and papa are still adjusting, thanks to very little sleep on the plane.  Tomorrow we are heading out to the Red Sea for the day.  It will be a great time to swim in the water and play in the sand.  The kids cannot wait.  (I promise the camera will make the trip tomorrow).

Saturday, August 18, 2012

And...We're Back

After taking several weeks away from Egypt visiting family and friends in Canada, we are back.  

Our time in Canada was very fruitful.  It was so wonderful to reconnect with people we care about.  It was hard saying goodbye, but, at the same time, we are very excited to be back in Egypt.  Our travels were not without difficulties this time around, however.

Last year when we flew to Egypt, we were blessed by many “angels” along the way.  There were many people that went above and beyond any and all expectations that made our trip that much easier.  This time however, we seemed to encounter the opposite.  

Our travels started off very well.  We were quite concerned about Princess saying goodbye to the family, but, she was very brave.  The limo driver was very patient and helpful.  The lady at that checked our baggage and produced our boarding passes was also pleasant and helpful (Although, they weighed our carry on baggage.  This was a first for us...but, we were okay!  I hate having to shuffle belongings at the airport, while being watched by all the people waiting to get checked in).  

But then, we got on the planes.  The flight attendants were bossy and pretentious (on most of the flights, especially the last one), the flights were all late arriving at the layover destination, we left one of our carry-on bags on the plane (we are hoping they will find it and send it to us), the food was worse than usual, the seats were closer together than we have experienced, the entertainment system was not working in the bank of seats that we were sitting in on the flight from Toronto to London, the entertainment system from London to Cairo was inadequate and we had to rush to rush through the London airport to get from one terminal to another, go through security again and go through 2 checkpoints before we could stand in line to sit at the gate to Cairo.  Thankfully, the flight to Cairo was delayed, otherwise, it would have been a close call as to whether we would have made the plane on time.

Sheer sense of relief prevailed once we stepped off the plane in Cairo.  Having landed in Cairo 3 times now, we know the drill.  Follow the signs, get the entry visas, fill out the landing cards, go through customs, then, collect our bags.  This usually is a long and drawn out process, but, for some reason, everything ran smoothly.  The only troubling part was when we were going down the escalator to the baggage claim and seeing 40 men standing on the baggage belt that our bags were to be coming on.  People were shouting and women were screaming.  We had no idea what was happening, but, assumed that someone had died because it had that feeling to it.  I was perplexed as to why they would all be on the conveyor belt until I saw them pull a small, limp, yet screaming little girl off the belt.  Not knowing what happened, I can only assume that she was playing on, or near the conveyor belt when it started to move.  We do not know what happened to that little girl, but, we can only pray that she is okay.  It was a somber welcome back to Egypt.
We eventually found our driver and made our way back to our house.  It was so incredibly nice to walk into our home after 24 hours of traveling.  We quickly loaded our bags into the flat and started unpacking our things.  Princess and Dimples quickly went to their room and reacquainted themselves with toys that were left in Egypt for the summer.  It was almost like Christmas for them. They both seem happy to be home again.  Dimples dove right into the sand on our walk to the store.  It was almost like we had never left at all.  It was a good thing that we had energy when we arrived because the school had asked us to visit some of the new teachers that had just arrived.  We had lovely visits with them and look forward to working with them this year.

Meeting the new teachers got me even more excited about the upcoming school year.  I have been excited to start teaching my new students for a couple weeks now.  I have been creating documents daily that will help aid my organization throughout the first couple of weeks.  I am excited to use them...I know, only a teacher would get excited about an organizational document.  But, I feel that I have an advantage going into this school year that I did not last year.  This advantage comes from knowing the students that I will be teaching in the coming year.  I do not know them well, but, I have seen them around for a year.  Having taught grade 7-9 at the school, I have a good idea of how my class will run and that is a huge asset for the first couple of weeks.  Of course, there will be unexpected circumstances, but, nothing that I am concerned about. 

Anyway, now that we are back in Egypt, I will commence my weekly updates.   The posts will range in variety from school experiences, to travel and exploration stories.  I do not expect to be writing many posts on cultural adaptations this year as we are quite familiar with how things work around here now, but, WHO KNOWS!  Keep posted, stay in touch!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Then There Were Nine...

Wow!  Time flies when you are having fun!  We have been back in Canada since June 27th and now, we are looking at having only 9 more days here with family and friends.  It has been fabulous to reconnect with those that we have missed during our time in Egypt. 

But, at the same time, Egypt has become our home; and, like most times you are away from home, you start to miss it.

In ways, we are very ready to go back.  In others, I could see us staying here much, much longer.  But, when it is time to board that plane, I know that we are headed back to our home.

When I was a student, summer vacations were never, ever long enough (even though I forced my siblings to `play`school during summer break).  As a teacher, I have come to the conclusion that they are FAR too long!  I think I was ready to get back in the classroom 2 weeks ago.  Ever since then, my mind has been spinning with idea after idea. I have had to run to find a piece of paper of a computer before my excellent idea withered away into oblivion. 

My classroom has been decorated my mind of course.  It looks great.  Hopefully it will look as good on the walls as it does in my mind.  I have full units of study ready to go...unfortunately, it has to wait until September 4th. 

In the meantime, we still have 9 days left here in the prairies and then we lift off for Egypt.  I think that they will be very full days where we will be seeing lots of people, going to lots of fun places and of course, dealing with our luggage (I really despise packing).  It seems that no matter how hard we try, we always have more things that we have space.  And, with the change in luggage allowance from 2 bags each, to 1, packing becomes a LOT more difficult.

In the end, it is a reminder that we have too much stuff.  It forces you to re-evaluate the value of the things you have and why you acquired them in the first place.  We will be leaving things behind, saying farewell to some of the kids favorite toys and donating some clothes.  In the end, the philanthropic nature of departing with things has been beneficial for our children.  It helps us remember to hold dear the things that are most important in life.